
At Derbyshire LGBT+, volunteers are at the very heart of what we do. Our volunteers get involved in all parts of our service, from planning and running events, to representing us at events, meetings and conferences, PSE outreach work, answering our helpline, administration, research and IT support, and being involved in our LGBT+ support and social groups. Being a volunteer here means that you have regular support from the staff, and on-going development and training.

Staff will work with you to help you achieve your goals through volunteering, whether it’s to learn new skills, build confidence, meet new people, gain life experience, or to help Derbyshire LGBT+ support others. There are a variety of short and long term opportunities currently available for people with enthusiasm and time to volunteer for us.

Please see below for more info!



  • We run over 40 social and support groups each week and it is thanks to the hard work and dedication of our volunteers that we can do this. We’re looking for Group Support Volunteers to offer local support for people across the Derbyshire area to help us build, co-ordinate and lead LGBT+ support, social and activity groups. We are looking for individuals that can build on our initial work and continue to ensure that support remains in place. Some administration tasks would need to be completed after every group meeting held.

    Groups included are:

    • Women’s Group

    • Men’s Group

    • 18 – 30 Group

    • Transgender Group

    • Over 50’s Group

    • Craft Group

    • Youth Group

    • Mental Health Group

    • Families Group

  • We are currently looking for individuals that can help us with the day-to-day running of our office. Whether that is admin work, taking inventory or even general office organisation. We are always grateful for any time that someone is willing to give to us.

  • As Derbyshire’s only dedicated LGBT+ charity, we rely on funding to keep our vital services running. We are looking for volunteers to help us co-ordinate fundraising events, keeping inventory of collection tins and distributing fundraising materials. We are looking for individuals that can work both independently and as a team and have a passion for their community.